Walia Hair Transplant Ludhiana, 33-B Sarabha Nagar, Ludhiana, Punjab India

+91-98152-44152, 78884-95095

Are you a good candidate for hair transplant

Have you ever wondered why some hair transplants can look so great and natural while others a little bit less natural and more obvious? Well this will all depends on how great of a hair transplant candidate you are to begin with. Now maybe you are the type of person who has already tried the minoxidil, finasteride and any other treatments. You’ve been using them for years now without seeing any good improvements, at least not what you have expected from it. And that makes you feel like you are the candidate for a hair transplant because it’s really the last thing that can get you your hair back. Before beginning, we highly suggest you to take advantage of our consultation as we have handled number of successful cases for hair transplant. Our clinic has one of the best doctors for
hair transplant in Ludhiana. The patients here are benefitted by the international and national experience of the doctors. The doctors here also serve the medical council as the member of International society of Hair Restoration Surgery.

Now, we’re going to discuss about our approach to hair transplant surgery. The first thing is pre-operative evaluation and counseling of the patient. In this situation, we’re going to meet the patient and discuss their goals and objectives and then do a thorough assessment of the patient.

We will also discuss the medical treatment, which in our practice is essential to hair restoration surgery and after that we have to see if the patient qualifies for surgery.

So the first thing that comes to our mind is the patient’s age. Patients under the age of 25 normally, we would be more conservative and put them on a medical treatment program first and see if they can commit to that. Then there is the donor area versus the recipient area ratio- how it looks now and how that’s projecting to the future, are very important. Then there are the patient’s goals and objectives, that’s the critical factor. Next is if the patient is committed to taking medical treatment for the rest of their life, which is a critical factor for us. Those are the main points that make us decide if the patient qualifies for surgery.

Then we do a more in-depth evaluation of the donor area. The density and the size of the donor area, the calculated density, number of follicles, and then the discussion of applications, goals and objectives. Then we have to plan the recipient area, which areas we want to transplant and obviously that will have cost factors that can matter as well because it will make us decide how many grafts we are going to transplant. Then the hairline design, the hairline design is probably the most critical aesthetic aspect of a hair transplant because it is the part of a transplant that is visually catching the eye of any observer firstly and that has to be natural and it has to be just looking as good as possible.

Then there is the planning for future hair loss. We don’t know if a patient will commit to the medical treatments even if they say they do. If down the line they stop taking the medicines, we have to plan as if the patient is not going to take the medical treatment for the long run.

Then there comes the female pattern hair loss. In females, we have a slightly different approach compared to men with the hair loss pattern because they have a different donor area and the medications are different. Then there are non-androgenic and other causes of hair loss. Here, we have to make sure that we are not dealing with one of the other causes of hair loss like scarring or systemic illnesses like say hyperthyroidism, low iron and things like that. These things really need to be sorted out before we can move on to hair transplant surgery or we have to get a clearance on that at-least. Then we have medical clearance for surgery.

Medical clearance for surgery would be relevant in older patients, patients on multi medications and patients with previous hair transplant surgery. Patients who had a previous hair transplant, it complicates the depending hair transplant, and careful planning needs to be made and really incision estimated is possible to actually move on it in a meaningful way. Then we also try to prevent shock loss. Shock loss is the shedding of hair after surgery from the follicles. It’s just a stress reaction of the body, it happens in about 10-15 percent of cases on an average in the industry.

Basically, we follow certain pre-operative protocols, intra-operative protocols and post-operative protocols to prevent and minimize a shock loss. But fortunately shock loss is always about recovery. We have never seen it not recover and usually after three to five months its recovers completely.

Women shock loss is much more prevalent. Up to 40% of cases this has to been discussed in detail with the patient to make them aware of that and then if any complications arrived they have to be treated effectively and efficiently and that’s our approach to you hair transplant surgery.

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