What is hairline reconstruction ?

What is hairline reconstruction ?

Are you tired of hiding your receding hairline under hats or constantly worrying about it during social events? Hair loss can be a frustrating experience, but fortunately, there are ways to restore your confidence and look your best. One option that’s gaining popularity is hairline reconstruction – an innovative procedure that can create a more youthful-looking hairline and enhance the overall appearance of your face. In this blog post, we’ll explore what hairline reconstruction is all about and how it could be the solution you’ve been looking for. So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of hair restoration!

How to reconstruct a hairline ?

A hairline reconstruction is a surgical procedure to restore the natural hairline. The procedure can be performed on patients who have lost their hair due to medical conditions such as alopecia or male pattern baldness. It can also be performed on patients who have had previous hair transplant surgery.

The first step in reconstructing a hairline is to create a design that will best suit the patient’s individual needs and goals. The surgeon will then make small incisions along the planned hairline and implant the donor hairs into these incisions. The transplanted hairs will eventually grow and blend in with the surrounding hair, creating a natural-looking hairline. Hairline reconstruction is a safe and effective way to restore hair loss and create a more youthful appearance. If you are considering this procedure, be sure to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in hair transplant surgery.

What is the best technique for hairline reconstruction ?

There are multiple techniques that can be used for hairline reconstruction, and the best technique for each individual will depend on their specific situation. For example, if someone has a very thin hairline or is balding in the front, FUT (follicular unit transplantation) or FUE (follicular unit extraction) may be recommended. These are both surgical procedures that involve taking hair from another area of the head and transplanting it to the desired area. In some cases, a combination of both techniques may be used.

Non-surgical options such as PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy or laser therapy may also be recommended depending on the individual’s situation. PRP therapy involves injecting plasma from the patient’s own blood into the scalp to promote hair growth. Laser therapy uses low-level lasers to stimulate hair growth. The best technique for hairline reconstruction will vary depending on the individual’s needs and goals. A qualified physician should be consulted to determine which option is best for each individual case.


How much will a hairline reconstruction cost me ?

The cost of hairline reconstruction can vary depending on the extent of the procedure. For a simple hairline lowering, the average cost is between 35.000 and 70.000. This includes the cost of the surgeon, anesthesia, and facility fees. If you require a more extensive procedure, such as a temple point lift or forehead reduction, the cost can be upwards of 90000.

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Tips For Choosing The Right Hair Transplant Clinic

Tips For Choosing The Right Hair Transplant Clinic

Are you facing trauma because of baldness? You are going through stress thinking about how other people will perceive you. Most of the people are able to reconcile with this hair loss situation, but some people like you may encounter depression. It is a wise idea not to discard these hair loss issues as self-pity. You should visit a professional and address these issues. Undeniably hair loss has an impact on the physical attributes of an individual. A receding hairline will make you appear older than you are. You can drop in at the various clinics for a discussion on hair restoration options.

Keep these factors in mind   

If you are planning to go in for hair restoration, then you should research in details about this relevant field. Various factors have to be taken into consideration while picking the best clinic for your purpose.

Initial consultation
You should go in for an initial consultation with Hair Transplant Punjab for an assessment of your case. Hair loss can affect all individuals at some point in time or the other. There are numerous causes responsible for that situation.

Kind of treatment
Some of the reasons are natural, and there is nothing you can do to stop them while there are other causes which can be easily prevented.  The kind of treatment you require will depend upon the causes which are responsible for that situation.

Appropriate time
Some individuals have the opinion that hair loss has to be dealt with an immediate transplant solution. However, an expert in this field may think that it is too early to go in for a surgical procedure.

Detection of the cause
It is a wise idea to get in touch with a clinic which offers the initial consultation free of charges. It is essential to find out the primary causes responsible for hair loss before the commencement of any treatment.

Treatment options
Before finalizing your decision about a clinic, you should do detailed research to find out the best clinic for your purpose. It is important for you to go through the kind of treatments Hair Transplant Punjab offer along with the options which are available for you.

Competency level
While deciding on an important clinic, the driving factor is the competency level of the physician and staff. Make sure that the physicians are qualified and have several years of experience in those fields which are going to affect you. They should be registered with the appropriate regulatory boards.

Check out their gallery
Take a look at the websites of some of the leading clinics. Peek at the before and after photographs in the online hair restoration galleries. This will give you an idea about the different kinds of hairlines and the impact of follicular unit transplant techniques.

Exercise due diligence
You must exercise due diligence prior to making any decision. Meet the experts and get an evaluation of your situation. Talk to them about the services they can offer based on your requirements.

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What should you look for in a standard hair transplant clinic

What should you look for in a standard hair transplant clinic ?

The incidence of hair loss has increased in recent times. Nowadays, you lose hair from a young age irrespective of your gender and economic well-being. Pollution and stress are significant reasons for the ordeal. Many people lose hair due to hereditary factors, too. You might have tested several remedies like hair oils and herbs, but with futile results. A more effective ploy to bring back the lost hair is hair transplantation. There are numerous clinics emerging in the market, especially in Punjab cities and towns. You need to select a reliable clinic and undergo a few hair transplant sessions to flaunt a decent crop of hair.

Experienced specialists

Unarguably the most critical factor that determines selecting clinic is the quality of doctors and qualified experts it has as staff. Hair Transplant Ludhiana is a complex job that demands involvement of experienced specialists with ample expertise on this issue. There are several delicate steps in the whole procedure. The safety of your scalp should be the top priority of the clinic. Call the clinic or surf its official website to know in detail about the doctors who work there. Choose a clinic that has been in the business for some years with reliable specialists.

Sophisticated devices and instruments

The process of hair transplantation is prevalently a medical procedure. For example, Hair Transplant In Ludhiana procedures are mainly done in a strictly formal, hospital-like environment. Experienced doctors conduct the procedure using highly sophisticated machines and advanced technology. A clinic that is not well-equipped with top-class instruments in a safe environment should be instantly rejected. It is a good idea to converse with a doctor or specialist who is associated with a specific hair transplant clinic. You may also ask an acquaintance about his or her experience undergoing a hair transplant.

The results and customer satisfaction

It is crucial to know about the customer satisfaction level in connection to a particular hair transplant clinic. It is no use visiting a clinic and spending money if most of the previous clients rated the clinic 2 stars out of 5. You should enquire about the final results of the procedures. Usually, a tuft of hair is taken from an unaffected area of your scalp and planted on the less dense or balding portion of your scalp. The transplantation procedure requires a few sessions to reap observable results after a few months. You may ask the clinic about concrete proofs of customer satisfaction before relying on its services.

Counseling services

A top-rated hair transplant clinic would always prioritize the enquiries and needs of a potential customer. It would arrange for a counseling session before the implementation of the actual procedure. In the counseling or appointment session, you can discuss the hair fall issue with a hair expert or a doctor. Both of you can mutually decide about the future steps.

Choose the clinic judiciously

Before choosing a hair transplant ­clinic, remember the points discussed in this article. It will help you to get quality services with promising results in quick time.

Cost of the treatment
The cost of the treatment depends on the following conditions

  • Extent of the transplant procedure,
  • Surgeon experience,
  • Availability of surgeons in a particular area
  • Surgical technique chosen

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Are you a good candidate for hair transplant

Are you a good candidate for hair transplant

Have you ever wondered why some hair transplants can look so great and natural while others a little bit less natural and more obvious? Well this will all depends on how great of a hair transplant candidate you are to begin with. Now maybe you are the type of person who has already tried the minoxidil, finasteride and any other treatments. You’ve been using them for years now without seeing any good improvements, at least not what you have expected from it. And that makes you feel like you are the candidate for a hair transplant because it’s really the last thing that can get you your hair back. Before beginning, we highly suggest you to take advantage of our consultation as we have handled number of successful cases for hair transplant. Our clinic has one of the best doctors for
hair transplant in Ludhiana. The patients here are benefitted by the international and national experience of the doctors. The doctors here also serve the medical council as the member of International society of Hair Restoration Surgery.

Now, we’re going to discuss about our approach to hair transplant surgery. The first thing is pre-operative evaluation and counseling of the patient. In this situation, we’re going to meet the patient and discuss their goals and objectives and then do a thorough assessment of the patient.

We will also discuss the medical treatment, which in our practice is essential to hair restoration surgery and after that we have to see if the patient qualifies for surgery.

So the first thing that comes to our mind is the patient’s age. Patients under the age of 25 normally, we would be more conservative and put them on a medical treatment program first and see if they can commit to that. Then there is the donor area versus the recipient area ratio- how it looks now and how that’s projecting to the future, are very important. Then there are the patient’s goals and objectives, that’s the critical factor. Next is if the patient is committed to taking medical treatment for the rest of their life, which is a critical factor for us. Those are the main points that make us decide if the patient qualifies for surgery.

Then we do a more in-depth evaluation of the donor area. The density and the size of the donor area, the calculated density, number of follicles, and then the discussion of applications, goals and objectives. Then we have to plan the recipient area, which areas we want to transplant and obviously that will have cost factors that can matter as well because it will make us decide how many grafts we are going to transplant. Then the hairline design, the hairline design is probably the most critical aesthetic aspect of a hair transplant because it is the part of a transplant that is visually catching the eye of any observer firstly and that has to be natural and it has to be just looking as good as possible.

Then there is the planning for future hair loss. We don’t know if a patient will commit to the medical treatments even if they say they do. If down the line they stop taking the medicines, we have to plan as if the patient is not going to take the medical treatment for the long run.

Then there comes the female pattern hair loss. In females, we have a slightly different approach compared to men with the hair loss pattern because they have a different donor area and the medications are different. Then there are non-androgenic and other causes of hair loss. Here, we have to make sure that we are not dealing with one of the other causes of hair loss like scarring or systemic illnesses like say hyperthyroidism, low iron and things like that. These things really need to be sorted out before we can move on to hair transplant surgery or we have to get a clearance on that at-least. Then we have medical clearance for surgery.

Medical clearance for surgery would be relevant in older patients, patients on multi medications and patients with previous hair transplant surgery. Patients who had a previous hair transplant, it complicates the depending hair transplant, and careful planning needs to be made and really incision estimated is possible to actually move on it in a meaningful way. Then we also try to prevent shock loss. Shock loss is the shedding of hair after surgery from the follicles. It’s just a stress reaction of the body, it happens in about 10-15 percent of cases on an average in the industry.

Basically, we follow certain pre-operative protocols, intra-operative protocols and post-operative protocols to prevent and minimize a shock loss. But fortunately shock loss is always about recovery. We have never seen it not recover and usually after three to five months its recovers completely.

Women shock loss is much more prevalent. Up to 40% of cases this has to been discussed in detail with the patient to make them aware of that and then if any complications arrived they have to be treated effectively and efficiently and that’s our approach to you hair transplant surgery.

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A Basic But All-Encompassing Topic On Hair Loss And Hair Transplant India

A Basic But All-Encompassing Topic On Hair Loss And Hair Transplant India

The hair on your head is as important as any other part of your body, especially when the world is becoming increasingly conscious about appearances. When you start to lose your hair, you know that you’re aging. However, when you’re not too old, yet your hair is falling off, you have to understand that there are other reasons behind it. Hair loss is an excessively significant problem that is affecting people, and many are continually complaining about their receding hairline at young ages. Luckily, medical science is progressing fast, and you can always choose to undergo Hair Transplant India, to regain your confidence.

The essentiality of scruff

The hair on the scalp gives you a pleasant and charming appearance. Whenever you check out social media and television channels, you come across hundreds of advertisements and pictures where you see beautiful people with stylish clothing. You will never see anyone with less hair on their heads. The loss of hair is what leads to decreased self-confidence and self-esteem. People consider a bald individual as aged, even if that person is young enough. So, if someone tells you that your hairline isn’t vital for your survival, you shouldn’t believe them. Whenever you’re experiencing hair loss, always select a medical facility for hair transplanting.

A few bases

It is the pressure of work, hectic daily schedules, the urge to excel at the workplace, improper food habits, depression, the stress of life, and lack of physical workouts and exercise that contribute to hair loss. There are several other causes behind this problem. It is quite natural for you to lose a hundred hair strands every day. It is the average loss and growth cycle that your hair goes through every three months. However, when hair fall rate increases than regrowth, baldness starts to creep in. Hair loss is a complicated process on an overall basis, and there is no tangible reason. An expert of Hair Transplant Ludhiana should be able to specify it after examining you.

Hair products are to blame

Apart from medical conditions, hereditary factors, genes, and hormonal disorders, the next significant factor for hair loss are the products that people apply on their hair. The chemical dyes, hair cosmetics, cheap hair gels, certain shampoos also contribute to hair fall. It is also quite common for you to find advertisements attractive where the bloke speaking on the television or any other media say that some medicines and oils work like magic potions. These fraudsters make a fool out of the bald individual who is already suffering from a decreased level of confidence. You should never pay attention to all that rubbish and go straight for hair transplant.

Final thoughts

Just as media are broadcasting the false claims of oils and medicines, it is also making people aware of the fact that transplanting of hair is always the better and safer option. The alertness is increasing day by day because of the gratifying results of the procedure. It will last your entire life, and the process isn’t painful at all. It won’t lead to any scars, and the specialists conducting hair transplant won’t need to do stitches. There is no difference between hair transplant and getting a hairdo at a salon. So, without waiting any further, select a hair transplant organization to regain your hair and the long-lost self-reliance.

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Some steps to remember while receiving hair transplant treatment

Some steps to remember while receiving hair transplant treatment

If you are suffering from hair fall or noticing a thin hairline on your head then need not to worry you are not alone. There are thousands of people in the world who are victim of the same issue. As the life changes a person’s age increases he/she starts losing his or her hairs. Getting your hair back is a good feeling which increases self confidence of an individual. Hair transplant is a great advanced technique found today. It is done for the treatment of hair loss. New hairs start growing with the help of this method. There are some things that should be kept in mind when surgery is done.

Take care of some things:

First is shampooing your hair transplant doctor will prescribe you shampoo that you need to use afterwards. It will aid your scalp in healing. Avoid normal shampoos because these can be set harmful for your hair. Moreover these shampoos include different chemicals which are not good for your wounds present on your head. Use recommended shampoos at least for two weeks. After this period you can come back to your favorite shampoo.

Undoubtedly, you can make yourself ready according to your taste even after receiving this treatment. Make hair styles that you like but do not use any other kind of products on hair such as conditioners, gels, serums, hair sprays etcetera. These things have bad impact on your hair. Later on, with the use of these things irritation start on the cuts which can cause infection. It is always necessary for you to ask your surgeon before using any type of product on your hairs.

Third most important thing, do not get your hair cut. During hair cut they use certain kind of tools and brushes that can again prove dangerous for your injured scalp. After you get relief from your injuries you can get anything done on your hair that you want.

The best person to ask about hair tips is your surgeon whom you are consulting. He/she can easily understand your medical history and guide you about the kind of procedure you will receive.   

 Comparing surgical and non-surgical methods

Well, there are many people who prefer non-surgical methods but these are not much better than surgical procedure. Laser therapy and other medications are included in non-surgical techniques but surgical procedures have good results than non-surgical processes. You can even read about different surgeons on internet to get feedback. Testimonials are available that give you the proof of proficient doctors.  It is important to follow instructions if you want to get your hairs back and you will certainly enjoy original hair growth. Consult hair transplant Ludhiana Punjab India. Apart from this, visit Walia Hair Transplant Center always work for our customers and provide them excellent guidance as well as treatment. Do not hesitate come anytime for best surgery.  

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A natural looking solution – Hair transplant treatment

A natural looking solution – Hair transplant treatment

With a lot of advances that come a far way in research, hair transplants are one of them. Provoking faith among men and women, Hair transplant treatments prove increased hair density and a permanent solution to never-ending hair fall problem. If you are also in search of an answer to hair problems, then hair transplant in Ludhiana is a possible solution you can count on.

Ancient ways used hair plugs were used, around the periods of the 1980s and 1990s. Thanks to the advancements where the molecular level of treatments have shown to be a promising answer to most of the males and females who face problems with a receding hairline. One point to note when you are looking for a response to your problem is the results vary greatly on the doctors and their expertise in the field. Doctors with preferable experience in hair transplant in Ludhiana are available, but make sure to check the level of advances the surgeon possesses for your problem.

Who is more prone to hair transplants

Men or women of any age group can benefit from a well-performed hair transplant procedure. It all depends on the expertise of the doctor and a few other important points. But if you are planning to undertake a proper hair transplant procedure for yourself then ensure

  • You have a healthy amount of hair restrained in your scalp making you efficient for transportation of hair follicles
  • The rate of growth of hair over the thinning areas.
  • A scalp examination to ensure you don’t suffer from lies, infections, dandruff etc.

Your work doesn’t stop just right after getting a transplant. You need to follow a strict diet, take sufficient medications, exercise and keep yourself with adequately hydrated for favourable hair growth in the thinner sections of your hair. A scalp biopsy can also be undertaken to find the exact reason for hair loss and to identify the affected areas.

Expecting a full head hair growth is highly unrealistic. However, a decent level of hair thickness can be expected after the hair transplant with sufficient regrowth of hair in receding areas.

After hair transplant

Hair loss medicines and essential oils are always a solution but the effectiveness of these are always in mid-range. However, hair transplant in Ludhiana are not failing and have immense notable success rates.

Anesthesias are directed for prolonging numbness, but it is surveyed that even with anaesthesia patients are able to feel the cutting, removing and other surgical procedures undertaken. The surgery may take about 4-8 hours with the complete effect of results can only be seen at least after 2 to 8 weeks.

Medicines can help you keep in track of the health of your body and hair after the treatments. Sometimes medications will be prescribed even to slow down and prevent the hair loss and proficient thing of hair.

Hair transplant in Ludhiana are one effective way to regain natural looking hair without much of side effects and a considerable permanent remedy.

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Hair transplantation is useful technique for regaining new hairs

Hair transplantation is useful technique for regaining new hairs

It is normal to lose certain amount of hair daily. Normally, a person loses 100 hairs every day. If one notices that he/she is having more hair fall than usual then they should find best doctor and take options for treatment. Once, doctor start treatment hair returns in its normal condition. It is equally important to do self care if an individual really wants to prevent hair loss such as reducing stress, consuming nutritional diet that contains proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Moreover, use lightweight shampoos; avoid tight hairs and heating of the hairs. It has been found that people consuming low protein and amino acids are experiencing more hair loss. Some vitamins and minerals really help in controlling the hair fall including Iron, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Zinc and Iron. Take these supplements after consulting doctor.

What men and women should do?

Scalp massage is very good activity that increase the hair growth. Do proper oiling of the hairs use coconut oil on the scalp. It aids in strengthening hair. Onion juice is considered as best for hair growth of hair in men and women with patchy alopecia. Growth is seen after six weeks of applying.

What men should do?

Men should also avoid smoking because it reduces the amount of blood flows to the scalp and decrease hair growth. Not only this, eliminate alcohol to see increase in growth of hairs. Men who wear helmet for more time can experience hair loss because in summer sweats accumulates in pores and roots of hair gets weak.
Usually men start losing hair in the teenage or around 20 years of age. Most of the time hair starts disappearing from the front or crown of the head. In male and female the baldness is of different type so when it is found in males it is known as male pattern hair loss or when it occurs in females it is known as female pattern hair loss.

There are different stages included in men-

In first stage-recession of hairline is not clearly noted. The hairline around forehead gets recessed and it represents mature hairline. The recession area has thin strands of hair or a bald patch. There is band of scalp with normal hairs in between areas of the balding. The band which divides the two areas becomes narrow and scanty. In the next stage the two regions are joined. The band of hair in the scalp has sparse hair that moves around the scalp side.

Female pattern hair loss

In women there are no prominent bald areas but entire scalp lose hair. Normally, the first stage starts with simple hair loss from the hair parting. Most of the women are not able to notice because hair fall is not severe. It starts with slow thinning of hair at the hair parting. They think that this is just normal hair loss so they start covering their hairs with bald areas. For best hair treatment consult hair transplant in Ludhiana

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Go In For Hair Transplant – Get A Girlfriend By Solving Your Balding Issue

Go In For Hair Transplant – Get A Girlfriend By Solving Your Balding Issue

Are you concerned about your untimely hair fall? If you feel your looks are adversely affected due to this hair loss issue, then you may start pondering about a hair transplant solution. You do not have to be in a hurry to go under the knife the moment you start noticing strands of hair in your comb. It is advisable under the circumstances to go in for an initial consultation with one of the surgeons in this relevant field.

Ravishing locks
You should develop an understanding about how the hair transplant works. If you had a preconceived notion that the job of such a surgeon is just to place the hair of other people then you are gravely mistaken. You have to keep in mind that hair transplant Punjab is a practical solution for those who are facing hair loss. At the same time, this procedure works effectively even for those who want to go in for an alteration of the hairline.

Various techniques
You may be confused about the availability of multiple treatments in the market. It may become a challenging affair for you to make an appropriate choice. The hair transplant process involves the eradication of hair follicles from the legs or face and placing them on the bald regions.

Two ways
The follicular hair transplantation procedure can be performed in two ways – strip harvesting and follicular unit extraction. In both processes of hair transplant Punjab the hair is moved from the donor to the recipient site. Though the results attained are the same in both the methods but the surgeries vary.

Strip harvesting
In strip harvesting, the procedure involves the transplantation of hair from the back of the scalp to the balding patches on the scalp. Anesthesia is administered, and then strips are extracted. Follicular unit grafts are planted on the tiny holes made on the scalp. This task needs to be done with caution and is handled by a team of professional healthcare assistants.

Follicular unit extraction
In recent times, follicular unit extraction technique has gained in popularity. Compared to the other methods the residual scars are smaller in this labor-intensive technique. You need to have a talk with the surgeon regarding the years of experience he has and the risks associated. Instead of removing in strips the follicular units are removed individually. It is the surgeon who can choose the grafts for harvesting.

Appropriate Age
You should not take resort to these techniques at a very young age. You have to keep in mind that you will not have access to donor hair throughout your entire life. Receiving this treatment at an early age will put you in soup because your donor area cannot provide you with endless donor hair. You can only obtain limited hair otherwise your back will appear scarred.

Decision-making process
Choose the clinic carefully. They should have a professional outlook and make sure that they use the latest equipment for the techniques.

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The Hair Transplant Surgery Hangover

The Hair Transplant Surgery Hangover

Top and back head sensation along with numbness, tingling and other similar sensation is not uncommon and it is totally normal after hair transplant surgery. And that this will take several weeks, months to resolve on its own.

Transplant hairs often will fall out with crusts as soon as five to eight days after the procedure. So do not panic on these days as the hair shafts. While the hair follicles remain on the scalp. Also most of the remaining transplanted hair will fall within the next week.  As soon as, four months is needed to grow hair from the scalp in the natural way that will continue to grow at the rate of ½ or ¾ a month.


To increase rate of new hair grow you have to use 5% minoxidil (Rogaine foam is often preferred) once or twice daily after the procedure of hair transplantation within the starting week. If minoxidil should cause you reddishness or irritation on the scalp then stop using this for that week or so then resume it again and apply daily. Once the hair start growing continually within 5 months then stop using minoxidil. If you are feeling itching, chest palpitations or lightheadedness then stop using minoxidil totally.


To accelerate healing and potential speed up of hair re growth, many patients utilize low level laser light therapy. And patients can use this therapy after procedure. It is a painless treatment consisting of 30mint session. If you can purchase laser light cap at home, you can start this within 5 days after your procedure or 3 times a week.

Have patience, for the new hair to grow in, as they emerge with scalp then some time it creates problems like pimples on the scalp. If this happens then apply warm soak and antibiotics ointment several times a day for around 3 days. If problem persists then contact your hair transplant surgeon to prescribe you some oral antibiotics.

There are several ways to hide any evidence of the procedure during the first week before the crust hair falls off. You can use a bandana to wear when go for the office, and can wear the hat as soon as the first day after the procedure. If you have some hair the crusts can usually be effective concealed using Toppik, a colored match powder that is sprinkled on to the grafted area. Toppik can be applied after 3rd day of procedure.

Most of the patients have problems of some mild pinkness of the scalp, which usually resolve within in a week. Taking Benadryl 25gm once a day can help recover within a week. Hair coloring can also be done after two weeks of the procedure and hair cut after 10 days.

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